How Safe are Dental Implants?

Posted on 10/12/2022

If you have missing teeth, dental implants may be the right solution for you. We can help you get dental implants in Walnut Creek today that will look perfect. Our Panoramic Dental team has years of experience in helping patients achieve their ideal smile. Although this is a popular and safe way to replace missing teeth, not everyone should get dental implants, we'll tell you who should get dental implants and who shouldn't get them in this article


Are You a Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?

A dental implant is made of titanium, which is a metal compatible with the human body that can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. The titanium is slowly absorbed by the bone, and the implant is then attached to the bone so that it acts as a new root for the tooth.
Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, and they are durable and, strong, help to preserve bone in the jaw, and are easy to maintain.
There are however some people who cannot get dental implants. If you have gum disease, you must treat it before getting dental implants. Additionally, smokers and people with diabetes are at a higher risk for implant failure. 
A dental implant may be right for you if you meet the criteria. If not, then Dr. Miyasaki at Panoramic Dental may be able to suggest some things to improve your oral health to make you a viable candidate for a successful procedure.

How Safe Are Dental Implants?

When placed by a dentist who is an expert in implant dentistry, dental implants are extremely safe. An experienced dentist will avoid complications like peri-implantitis, which occurs when the implant site is not professionally cleaned. 


The Benefits of Dental Implants

There is no better way to replace missing teeth than with dental implants. They appear and feel just like your natural teeth, and they are permanent. Additionally, dental implants preserve your jawbone and keep your teeth from shifting.


How to Care For Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are easy to maintain. Just brush and floss them like your natural teeth. You should also see your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups.

Schedule a Consultation at Panoramic Dental Today

Making an appointment for dental implants in Walnut Creek may be the most suitable option if you are missing one or more teeth. Contact us today to arrange a consultation with Dr. Miyasaki, D.D.S. He will help you decide if dental implants are the right choice for you. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 925-934-3251 or email us at We also invite you to browse our website for more patient information or visit our office in person. We're located at 2225 Olympic Blvd. in Walnut Creek, CA.