7 Teeth Whitening Tips Straight From a Dentist

Posted on 12/06/2021

Everyone wants whiter-looking teeth. Most people equate white teeth to healthy teeth. And while you don't need the whitest teeth for your teeth to be healthy, it doesn't hurt to spruce up the look of your smile. But how can you whiten teeth at home? At Panoramic Dental, many of our patients wonder how they can brighten their teeth. And while we provide a professional whitening procedure in our office, it can require multiple visits. In order to keep your teeth white, you have to upkeep the look. Here are 7 tips on how you can whiten your teeth at home (and how to keep them white and bright).

7 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth At Home

  • Reduce the Consumption of Stain-Causing Foods- The biggest cause of discolored teeth are the meals and drinks we take. Foods that discolor teeth the most include coffee/tea, red wine, juices, dark soda, and sweets can wear down the enamel of the tooth. If you can't avoid these foods and drinks, brush your teeth or chew on sugar-free gum soon after consuming them.
  • Whitening Strips & Kits- Over-the-counter whitening strips and kits can be a good way to whiten your teeth at home. It is also a great way to keep your teeth white after a professional whitening procedure is done. You can find these items at your local drugstore/supermarket or online.
  • Change Your Toothbrush- Over time, bacteria can grow on the toothbrush. Sometimes, it can reintroduce harmful bacteria into your mouth, which dismisses the point of brushing your teeth. Consider replacing your toothbrush or the head of your electric brush every 3-4 months.
  • DIY- Use Baking Soda & Vinegar- White vinegar and baking soda can help eliminate stains from teeth and kill bacteria. You can also use apple cider vinegar each morning as a mouthwash before brushing. Once a week, use baking soda to brush your teeth like normal toothpaste. Avoid using them together, or you might initiate a chemical reaction.
  • Stop Smoking- We all know smoking is bad for your health. And it can affect the color of your teeth. This is because tobacco gets stuck in the grooves and openings of your tooth enamel. When stuck, they stain your teeth, which in turn can make your teeth appear yellow or even brown in color.
  • Use Whitening Toothpaste- Whitening toothpaste has specific ingredients that can help whiten your teeth. Some of the most common ingredients that are added to whitening toothpaste include:

    - Hydrogen peroxide

    - Mild abrasives (such as silica, dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, sodium metaphosphate, and zirconium silicate)

    - Activated charcoal

    - Baking soda

    - Hydroxyapatite

    Keep in mind that these ingredients are usually only helpful for removing the surface level of the teeth, thereby not whitening the entire tooth.

  • See Your Dentist- See if your dentist offers a professional whitening treatment that can help. If you have discoloration on your teeth, it may be a sign of concern. Instead of covering up the problem, you'll want to address the root cause. Your dentist will be the person to know how to treat your teeth.

Get Your Teeth Whitened With Us!

If you're thinking of getting your teeth whitened professionally, contact Panoramic Dental! Our doctors and staff provide comprehensive dental treatments, both cosmetic and general. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Walnut Creek office. We are excited to help you get a brighter and healthier smile!