5 Reasons To Choose Dental Veneers

Posted on 03/14/2021
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5 Reasons To Choose Dental VeneersIf you are not happy with your smile and you are looking to make improvements, dental veneers are a great solution. Veneers are tooth-shaped shells made from a resin composite or dental porcelain that are cemented to your teeth to correct imperfections. The experts at Panoramic Dental share these five reasons why you should consider veneers.

1. Veneers Hide Dental Problems

Veneers are a cosmetic solution to hide dental problems. If you have a chipped tooth, it not only looks bad, but the tooth can worsen over time. Chipped teeth lead to tooth decay and enamel loss. Veneers will cover the chip with uniform tooth color, giving you the attractive smile you want to achieve.

2. Veneers Last and Last

Dental veneers are extremely durable and can last for a decade to up to 30 years, which is even longer than most fillings last. They are an incredibly convenient cosmetic solution that won't have you continually going to the orthodontist.

3. It's a Quick Process

It typically only takes three visits to get a full set of dental veneers and can be completed in a few weeks. The first appointment is a consultation to evaluate your teeth and plan your treatment. Your cosmetic dentist will take an impression of your teeth at the next visit so the laboratory can custom-make your veneers. During the final visit, your new veneers will be bonded to the surfaces of your teeth. It's that easy!

4. A Whiter Smile

Coffee, smoking, age, and other factors dull your smile over time. Dental veneers can be colored to have a bright white appearance, so your teeth will appear noticeably whiter. Veneers can be especially beneficial for individuals whose teeth are naturally off-white and do not respond well to bleach-based whitening treatments. Veneers are also made with stain-resistant materials, so maintaining their bright, white color will be easier.

5. Fix a Variety of Dental Issues

Dental veneers are not just cosmetic; they can improve a variety of dental concerns, such as teeth with uneven spaces, teeth that are worn down, teeth that are shaped irregularly, gaps between teeth, and poorly aligned teeth. Veneers can correct these issues and are less invasive than orthodontic procedures. And for many people, they can be used instead of braces or Invisalign.

Contact Your Family Dentist in Walnut Creek Today!

If you have any questions or are ready to get started with dental veneers in Walnut Creek, contact us. If you prefer, you can request an appointment online. The cosmetic dentist at Panoramic Dental is ready to help you achieve your best smile!